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The Bunker Pollution Convention 2001 – An Overview

Introduction. Oil tankers are not the only vessels that cause oil pollution damage at sea. There have been numerous heavy fuel oil spills from non-tankers as a result of escape or discharge of bunker oil from them. According to statistics of ITOPF1 for tankers only,...


Education LPC, The College of Law, Guildford, Distinction  GDL/CPE, Manchester Metropolitan University Captain Class B’, Marine Education Institute for Senior Officers (KESEN), Piraeus, Greece; Passed in first place in the whole of Greece MSc, International Transport,...

About Konstantinos

Konstantinos is a Solicitor and Master Mariner (Class B'). Before setting up his own practice in Piraeus, Konstantinos qualified and worked in the Shipping Department of a leading international law firm in the City of London for more than 12 years and in their Athens...