
Salvage/ Wreck Removal/ Marine Pollution/ Emergency Response/ Media Response
The Agia Zoni II sinking and major oil pollution off the Piraeus-Athens coastline. The highly publicized oil pollution off the coasts of Piraeus, Athens and Salamis Island was the largest in Greece’s history. Over 25 kilometers of coastline were contaminated by oil. More than 500 people were involved in the clean-up operations on various fronts. Acted on behalf the LOF and, subsequently, the pollution-response contractors. Participated in the crisis room in the very first crucial days of the response operation providing on the spot advice, organised the media response on behalf of the client and provided overall advice.

Salvage/ General Average/ Bills of Lading/Cargo Claim
The CMA CGM Libra grounding off Xiamen, China – salvage under LOF and GA. Advising and acting on behalf of the owners and their hull underwriters and P&I club in respect of all salvage aspects and the recovery of GA contributions from thousands of cargo interests located in 28 jurisdictions. Around 90 percent of the GA contributions due (in terms of total cargo contributing value) was successfully recovered against the cargo interests before litigation was brought against the balance around 10 percent of cargo interests in the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court making the case one of the most important ever on seaworthiness in the last 70 years ruling that a causatively defective Passage Plan renders a vessel unseaworthy.

Acted for the LOF/SCOPIC Salvors of a laden bulk carrier that was involved in a ‘T’-collision off Kythira island, Greece with the two vessels remaining interlocked. Also, successfully claimed ‘common law salvage’ against the other (non-LOF) colliding vessel and assisted in the salvage sale of part of the cargo.

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Instructed on behalf of the LOF Salvors of a laden bulk carrier that ran aground at the Agios Theodoros islet off Chalki island, Greece.

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Salvage/ Wreck Removal
Grounding of a laden bulk carrier at the coast of Mykonos Island, Greece. Acted on behalf of the LOF and, subsequently, the pollution-response contractors.

D 01 (Little Seyma)
2D 02 (Little Seyma)

Wreck Removal
Acted for the port owners in respect of a wreck removal. Organized the ITT, assisted the clients in the selection of the contractor, drafted and negotiated the wreck removal contract and provided overall supervision of the matter until successful completion of all aspects.

E 01 (Gerassimos)
2 E 02 (Gerassimos)
3E 03 (Gerassimos)

Acted for the LOF Salvors of an Aframax tanker which, as a result of an E/R fire incident, she was immobilized in the North Atlantic.

Salvage/ Wreck Removal
Bulk carrier total loss following a high profile grounding off Mauritius. Acted on behalf of the shipowner and the P&I club. Advised on LOF and SCOPIC, wreck removal, pollution and limitation of liability issues.

Salvage/ General Average/ Bills of Lading
Major incident to a cape size bulk carrier in North Atlantic. Attending at short notice on board, obtaining, assessing and advising on evidence and merits. Handling all aspects of salvage and cargo claims.

Salvage/ General Average/ Bills of Lading
Major incident to a cape size bulk carrier touching bottom and suffering water ingress in Singapore Straits. Handling all aspects of salvage and cargo claims.

Grounding/ Collision/ Salvage/ General Average/ Unsafe Port

Incident with a bulk carrier touching bottom twice at Owendo, Gabon, colliding then with another vessel and subsequently receiving salvage services. Investigated the causes and circumstances of the incident and advised the shipowner and the P&I Club on all related issues (collision liability, salvage and unsafe port) as well as assisted in the release of the Vessel.

Grounding/ ‘Putting by’ / General Average
Incident with a container vessel grounding within, and blocking, the Suez Canal with two other vessels behind in the convoy grounding and/or touching bottom. Attended on board at Suez Canal, obtained evidence, investigated the causes and circumstances of the grounding and advised the shipowner and the P&I Club on all related issues including the likely liability of the vessel by the ‘putting by’ action of the ships behind

Ships Collision
Three-ship collision in the Suez Canal between the Panamax Alexander, the Sakizaya Kalon and the Osios David. Advising and acting on behalf of the owners and insurers of the Osios David.

For more read through the links below:

My summary Article

Admiralty Court Decision – Case report

A dispute also arose out of the same facts in respect of the standard wording of the ASG 2 – Collision Jurisdiction Agreement for which, in a separate action the Court of Appeal, overturning the High Court decisions, ruled that a party is under an obligation to accept security reasonably offered by the other party notwithstanding that such security is caveated by an (inability to pay) ‘sanctions clause’.

For more read through the links below:

Commercial Court Decision – Case report

Court of Appeal Decision – Case report & videos of hearing

Ships Collision
Collision between a container vessel and a gas tanker off Gibraltar in dense fog conditions. Attended on board, obtained, assessed and advised on evidence and merits that helped the clients and their collision liability underwriters to directly discuss and achieve settlement.

For more read through the MAIB link below:


Collision during STS operation
Collision between two tankers. Attending on board, obtaining, assessing and advising on evidence and merits.

Allision/ Compensation of damages
Acted for the port owners in respect of the failing of the moorings of a half-billion-dollar oil rig laid up within the port, as well as the resulting damage and potential liability. Investigated the causes of and circumstances surrounding the incident. Obtained factual witness statements and instructed experts. Analyzed the case and advised clients on issues of liability, recovery and quantum. Handled the matter throughout and successfully settled the matter, recovering all losses on behalf of clients.Lawyer Maritime consultant Baxlaw Experience

Carriage of goods by sea

Bill of Lading/ Cargo Claim
The Elin loss of and damage to cargo. Acted on behalf of the shipowners and the P&I club and advised them on the owners’ liability for cargo loss. Successfully litigated the issue of exclusion of liability for deck cargo before the High Court, whose ruling settled the issue of the wording of the ‘standard’ deck cargo liability exclusion clause in favour of the owners.

For more read through the link below:

Commercial Court Decision – Case report

Charter Party/ Speed & Consumption
The Gaz Energy underperformance claim where the High Court ruled on the incorporation of an ‘all weather’ performance warranty into the time charter.

For more read through the links below:

My summary Article

Commercial Court Decision – Case report

Charter Party/ Speed & Consumption
The Gas Energy No.2 underperformance claim under a time charter where the High Court ruled on the threshold for the setoff of any saving in bunkers against loss of time when consumption falls within the ‘about’ (±5%) range.

For more read through the links below:​

My summary Article

Commercial Court Decision – Case report

Bill of Lading/ Cargo Claim/ Dispute under ICA
Major cargo claim of bagged sugar at West Africa. Attending at short notice on board, obtaining, assessing and advising on evidence and merits and defending the claim in London Arbitration on behalf of owners and their P&I Club.Lawyer Maritime consultant Baxlaw Experience

Charter Party / Unsafe Port
Advising Charterers on an alleged unsafe port/ anchorage in relation to ship collision at Chittagong defending the claim in London Arbitration.

Bills of Lading/ Charterparty/ Dispute under ICA
Major incident to car carrier en route to Southampton. Attending at short notice on board, obtaining, compiling, analyzing, assessing and advising on evidence and merits. Handling the matter to its ultimate finalisation.

Bills of Lading/ Salvage
Major incident to a cape size bulk carrier in North Atlantic. Attending at short notice on board, obtaining, assessing and advising on evidence and merits. Handled all aspect of cargo claim on behalf of the shipowners and their P&I Club.

Bills of Lading/ Salvage
Major incident to a cape size bulk carrier touching bottom and suffering water ingress in Singapore Straits. Handled all aspects of cargo claims on behalf of the shipowners and their P&I Club.

Charter Party Dispute
Advised shipowners and acted in London Arbitration on an alleged t/c underperformance claim recovering in favour of Owners having first successfully obtained security from Charterers.

Charter Party Dispute
Instucted on behalf of the shipowners and their P&I Club against the voyage charterers claiming damages for repudiation of the charter.

Marine insurance law

Indemnity of Partial Loss under H&M Policy
In the Agios Spyridon successfully recovered for the shipowners indemnity against the H&M underwriters who, amongst others, invoked breach of warranty.

For more read through the link:

An interesting twist in the case was the finding of the High Court Judge in a preliminary ruling that “warranted laid-up” does not mean that the insured vessel should be in “hot lay up”.

For more read through the link:

Marine pollution

Marine Pollution/ Emergency Response/ Media Response
The Agia Zoni II sinking and major oil pollution off the Piraeus-Athens coastline. The highly publicized oil pollution off the coasts of Piraeus, Athens and Salamis Island was the largest in Greece’s history. Over 25 kilometers of coastline were contaminated by oil. More than 500 people were involved in the clean-up operations on various fronts. Acted on behalf the LOF and, subsequently, the pollution-response contractors. Participated in the crisis room in the very first crucial days of the response operation providing on the spot advice, organised the media response on behalf of the client and provided overall advice.Lawyer Maritime consultant Baxlaw Experience

Sale & purchase of ships/ disputes under MOA

Instructed on behalf of the buyer under an MOA claiming return of the deposit and associated losses as result of repudiation of the MOA.

Port construction

Advised and acted on behalf of port construction contractors in respect of disputes in port construction projects.

International arbitration

Acted/ represented clients in a number of LOF, LMAA and ICC Arbitrations.